Health Safety & Environment Policy

ECEC is totally committed to working in conformance with acknowledged international norms in employee health, workplace safety and environmental conservation and complying to local statutory obligations. Towards this objective the company has framed its corporate policy as follows.

ECEC will install all necessary measures to ensure that the highest standards of health and hygiene are maintained throughout the premises for the benefit of employees, visitors and all others who are associated with the company’s activities.

ECEC regards workplace safety as top priority and will continuously monitor and upgrade all safety systems and procedures to ensure a hazard-free work environment.

We promote awareness about workplace safety and motivate all personnel to abide by the safety regulations and precautionary measures to ensure zero accidents.

We take extreme care to ensure that all its activities are in compliance with approved environmental safety norms and that they do not adversely affect the ecological balance in any way whatsoever.

We provide the necessary training to its employees to enable them to be active in the environmental conservation initiatives. We provide the necessary training to its employees to enable them to be active in the environmental conservation initiatives.We shall continuously update them on new concepts and technologies in this area to be efficient and effective.

We document this HS & E policy to be accessed by all concerned and shall record and review all performances to make sure they conform to the stated policy. The policy shall be revised periodically as required by a competent panel of professionals.


ECEC focuses on performance excellence through total conformance to client specifications and delivering zero-defect results on schedule. We aim to achieve this consistently by sourcing the best human resources in every activity domain, laying emphasis on their expertise and experience and continuously improving their professional skills with ongoing training.

Our core of project management specialist engineers as well as the support team of technical personnel are best of the breed and consistently interact with the client to ensure project success.
